ธรรมยาตรา 5 แผ่นดิน

Dhammayatra Bodhigaya

Dhammayatra Bodhigaya This is a new chapter in Buddhism’s history, announcing the strength of the countries in the Mekong River Basin by strengthening the relationship as Dhamma relatives, with the Lord Buddha as the same father and the Mekong River, which has nurtured the people of the 5 countries, as the same mother since ancient times. Dr. Supachai Virapuchong, Managing Director of Thai Nakorn Pattana Co., Ltd., a pioneer in the Mekong River Basin for over 20 years and Secretary-General of BodhigayaVijjalaya 980 Institute, has seen the importance of adhering to the principles of Buddhism by applying the teachings of the Lord Buddha in all sectors to create friendship and peace, aiming to create peace in the Mekong River Basin region. This is an important connection point from the land of Buddhahood to the Mekong River Basin, the land of Suvarnabhumi.

With the concept of “On the occasion of the full launch of ASEAN, we see that with the opening of AEC, we can use the dimension of Buddhism to connect us, Buddhists in the Suvarnabhumi region of the Mekong River Basin, which will create benefits and an important strength is that we are a group of countries that practice Buddhism together. We can find cooperation and unity. Therefore, there is an idea to unite neighboring countries in the Mekong River Basin to support Buddhism to be solid and strong with love and unity as relatives with the same Buddha father. Therefore, we have a dream to see the Mekong River Basin shine with happiness, becoming the Suvarnabhumi region, like when King Ashoka the Great sent Dhamma missionaries led by Phra Sona Thera and Phra Uttara Thera as the leaders to spread Buddhism in the Suvarnabhumi region.” This made Dr. Supachai Viraphuchong organize the International Sangha Conference 2 times, and the last time at the International Sangha Conference on the topic of “Buddhism Transforms Suvarnabhumi, Unity of Dhamma, Land of Dhamma, Land of Gold” in Siem Reap, Cambodia, he invited the Grand Master. Dr. Phra Maha Phong Samalek, President of the Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization (LPBO), also traveled to join the event, which was considered the last religious activity of the great teacher, Dr. Phra Maha Phong Samalek, and was an important religious activity that gave rise to the Bodhgaya Dhammayatra, under the name of the 5 Lands Dhammayatra, following in the footsteps of the noble monks of the Mekong River Basin, before he fell seriously ill and eventually passed away.

Timeline of Dhammayatra Bodhgaya Mekong River Basin

The last religious act

Reverend Professor Dr. Phra Maha Phong Samalik The former chairman of the Buddhist Relations Center of Laos has given his last policy as an advisor of the Bodh Gaya Institute before he passed away at the age of 100 to Dr. Supachai, "To move forward with determination to work in the way of Buddhism that turns Suvarnabhumi." That is, to work to support and spread the Buddhist teachings and create friendship among Buddhists throughout the Mekong Basin, or another name is Suvarnabhumi, to support the use of Buddhism to turn the unrest situation into peace, to find a common standpoint to help turn humanity from wrong views to right views, and to find cooperation to solve the problems that arise in our region with the teachings of the Lord Buddha. Currently, there are monks, the disciples of the Lord Buddha, leading male and female devotees to jointly continue Buddhism according to the Lord Buddha's aspiration.

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Dhammayatra Bodhigaya
Following the footsteps of the noble monks of the Mekong River Basin
ธรรมยาตรา ๕ แผ่นดิน ครั้งที่ ๑

BodhigayaVijjalaya 980 Institute , Bodhigaya 980 Club, Virapuchong Foundation, and network partners from 5 countries joined hands to organize the 1st Bodhigaya Dhammayatra under the name "5 Lands Dhammayatra in the Footsteps of the Noble Monks of the Mekong River Basin" by leading Buddhists from 5 countries, totaling more than 200 monks/people, on a pilgrimage from Ubon Ratchathani Province to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and back to the Kingdom of Thailand. This event was attended by tens of thousands of people, bringing joy and happiness to Buddhists from all 5 countries. The event received cooperation from the Sangha, the government, various agencies, and even merchants and individuals. The total travel period for merit-making activities at 34 temples and important places of Buddhism in 5 countries was 15 days. In addition, 15 saplings of the Maha Bodhi Tree were invited from the city of Gaya, India to be planted as a witness to the establishment of peace. and the friendship between Buddhists, which has existed since the past and has continued to the present.

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Dhammayatra Bodhigaya
Buddhist Diplomacy for World Peace
ธรรมยาตรา ๕ แผ่นดิน ครั้งที่ ๒

Buddhist Diplomacy for World Peace is organized to strengthen the relationship and create unity among Buddhists in the Mekong River Basin. Based on the concept of "Buddhist Diplomacy for World Peace", it is believed that Buddhist relations will connect all people in the Mekong River Basin with the power of faith in the Dharma of the Lord Buddha. It aims for happiness from morality and Dharma of all people at all levels, which is the main practice to drive the Mekong River Basin countries towards peace with Buddhism. It can also deeply understand the way of thinking, creating right view in life, being sincere, honest, knowing cause and effect, sharing, and not taking advantage of each other, and being firmly established with the Dharma kinship, which is the truth of all times. No one has yet refuted the teachings of the Lord Buddha as "wrong" even in one way.

The BodhigayaVijjalaya 980 Institute wants to see the leaders of the country have virtue, following the concept of the great teacher, Dr. Phra Maha Phong Samalek, former president of the Center for Buddhist Relations of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, who once said that "The success of being a religious scholar must reach those who have the power to govern the country. We must make those in power understand the virtue. If those in power do not understand the virtue, the country will fail. To create world peace, we must create brotherly relations. We must use virtue as power, not power as virtue." The dream of wanting to see the ruler of the country have virtue and govern the people by using virtue as power, applying Buddhism to operations and solving problems in all sectors is an important foundation of the institute's work, leading to the organization of the 5-country Dhammayatra event. The past 2 events were a great success. Buddhists from 5 countries joined the Dhammayatra event in large numbers, showing the great power of faith of the masses and joining the campaign to practice the principles of Buddhism to create happiness, which is an important point in stepping towards becoming a peaceful nation.

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Dhammayatra Bodhigaya
Ganga-Mekong Holy Buddha Relics

Ganga-Mekhong Holy Buddha Relics Dhammayatra

This is the greatest project, a pilgrimage connecting the lands of the Lord Buddha, from the Great Dharma River of India to the land of Buddhism in the Mekong River Basin of Thailand, led by the relics of the Lord Buddha from the National Museum of India, followed by the relics of the left and right chief disciples, Sariputta and Maha Moggallana, from the Great Stupa of Sanchi, India, from February 22 to March 19, 2024. This project was initiated by the collaboration between the Bodhgaya Institute 980, the Government of India, and the Government of Thailand to connect and spread the power of faith of the people in Buddhism in both regions to be strong and everlasting, to create the benefits of the principles of Dharma to create the power of unity and goodness of all mankind, to live together peacefully based on the philosophy of the Dharma teachings of the Lord Buddha, and to be an opportunity for the people to pay homage, as well as being an important historical symbol of the journey of the Lord Buddha to bestow blessings on Buddhists. After a gap of almost a century, the arrival of the relics this time is like the arrival of the Buddha himself. The welcoming ceremony therefore opens an opportunity for Buddhists to carry out religious activities together in various aspects, such as religious ceremonies and religious dharma, to create a network of dharma connections to continue love, unity, and create peace through dharma in Asia, the birthplace of Buddhism, which has been firmly established for more than 2,600 years.

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Dhamma Yatra
ครั้งที่ 4
ประกาศศตวรรษแห่งธรรม ณ ดินแดนพุทธภูมิ

ลุ่มน้ำโขงสู่มหานทีคงคา ประกาศศตวรรษแห่งธรรม ณ.แดนพุทธภูมิ สาธารณรัฐอินเดีย

เป็นโครงการต่อยอดจากโครงการธรรมยาตราครั้งที่ 3 "ธรรมยาตราพระบรมสารีริกธาตุ มหานทีคงคาลุ่มน้ำโขง" เป็นการอัญเชิญพระบรมสารีริกธาตุ พระอรหันตธาตุพระสารีบุตรและพระมหาโมคคัลลานะ จากสาธารณรัฐอินเดีย มาประดิษฐานชั่วคราว ณ ประเทศไทย ระหว่างวันที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ - 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ.2567 ในการจัดโครงการ Dhammayatra Declaration on the Century of Dhamma in the land of Buddha, this time is the 4th Dhammayatra under the project name "ธรรมยาตรา ครั้งที่ 4 ลุ่มน้ำโขงสู่มหานทีคงคา ประกาศศตวรรษแห่งธรรม ณ ดินแดนพุทธภูมิ สาธารณรัฐอินเดีย"  โดยมีกำหนดการดำเนินงานระหว่างวันที่ 3 - 10 ธันวาคม 2567 รวม 8 วัน.

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